RAW DATA is a major interdisciplinary project that initiates a process of transformation between art and physics, bridging Canada and Germany. A chain reaction of art works is generated by translating a concrete problem from physics to four basic aesthetic media: sound, body, language and image. It is intended to host a discourse on questions about translation processes between art and physics in a so-called translation hub – a public workshop involving artists, physicists and academics. One focus will investigate the »practice of artistic transformation« and its relevancy in an interdisciplinary dialogue. What hybrid forms of knowledge are generated during this networked process?
Organized by Dr. Margit Schild, Ingrid Koenig, and Elvira Hufschmid in association with Emily Carr University of Art + Design, artists Dennis Burke, Randy Lee Cutler, David Khang, Ingrid Koenig, Sonnet L’Abbé, Ben Reeves, Stefan Smulovitz and Suzi Webster worked with international physics organizations beginning with TRIUMF, Canada’s National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics, to produce an exhibition, performance and a public workshop as a “Translation Hub” November 1 – 3, 2012. This event took place in conjunction with AICAD (Association of Independent Colleges of Art + Design) symposium “Remaking Research: Emerging Agendas in Art and Design” at Emily Carr University of Art and Design.
RAW DATA: Artistic Transformation is a project by the Goethe-Institut
in cooperation with TRIUMF, Emily Carr University and Revised Projects.
Curated by Koenig, Schild & Hufschmid. The Goethe Satellite Vancouver is a two-year initiative of the Goethe-Institute with partner Revised Projects (Kate Armstrong and Malcolm Levy) that ran from 2011-2013. The goal of the Goethe Satellite was to facilitate unique projects where artists, organizations and collectives have the opportunity to collaborate, perform, and show work that expands current artistic practices.
RAW DATA. Artistic Transformation: An interdisciplinary dialogue between physics and art, (Eds.) Koenig, Schild & Hufschmid, (ISBN 978-0-9691944-1-5) was released in 2013.
Participating artists:
Dennis Burke, Dr. Randy Lee Cutler,David Khang, Ingrid Koenig, Sonnet L´Abbé , Ben Reeves, Stefan Smulovitz and Suzi Webster.
Participating physicists: Dr. Anadi Canepa, Dr. Abhishek Kumar, Dr. Ania Kwiatkowski, Dr. Kendall Mahn, Dr. Tim Meyer, Dr. Chris Ruiz and Dr. Reda Tafirout.