November 17, 2015

How to Build a Virtual World: Part II – Creating 3D Assets, Nov 18th 2015

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How to Build a Virtual World: Part II – Creating 3D Assets

Creating the assets for your 3D world, sourcing available 3D models, capturing the world with photogrammetry and depth cameras.

Wednesday November 18th 2015. 6:30 doors open Presentation 7:30-10pm

Register online at : Cost: $15 (sorry, no walk in available)

Location: Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Motion Capture Studio, Room 285D, 1399 Johnston Street, Granville Island, Vancouver, BC, Canada


VanVR, VanCG Meetup, and S3D Centre at Emily Carr University presents: “How To Build A Virtual World”

NOTE: doors will open at 6:30 PM. Presentations will begin at 7:30 PM. SEATING IS LIMITED. No tickets will be sold at the door.

Collecting the parts for your 3D world. Sourcing available 3D models, creating your own, capturing the world with photogrammetry and depth cameras.

Mike Pan will share his expertise with Blender: overview of the workflow in Blender, accessing models online, importing them into Blender, optimizing the model, exporting it for the VR platform of your choice.

Partick Wirt from Corbel 3D will explain the process of creating models using photogrammetry.

Aaron Hilton of Conquer Mobile will discuss recent developments in 3D scanning technology and give us a demonstration of his Occipitals’ Structure Sensor used for on the fly object scanning.

Matthew McCauley founder of GeoSim will talk to us about their high end-to-end system for scanning and modeling entire cities in 3D. The models feature high spatial precision and visual fidelity, and are interactive and parametric. Proprietary street level data collection enables entirely new kinds of city analysis and visualization.

The presentations will be followed by a period for Q & A.

We will close the evening with prize draws for: EA Games, Video Copilot Optical Flares plugins.

Food will be provided by our wonderful caterer Heather Ferguson.


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