Co-Design Beyond Pandemics: Recovery and Renewal of Participation in Healthcare Change
How have co-design practices in health evolved, pivoted, and changed during the pandemic, and how can we learn from these experiences to inform the future of co-design practices?
The Recovery and Renewal of Participation in Healthcare Change project aims to build capacity and resilience in co-design in health by capturing experiences and adaptations that came about in co-design in health projects during the pandemic. The project explores how co-design practices evolved to engage (or disengage) the most impacted communities in health service research, delivery, and improvement during and beyond a pandemic. The project supports a community of practice in co-design in health and aims to provide new guidance on techniques that can endure beyond the pandemic.
Through collaboration with international designers working in health contexts, this project focuses on two main research questions:
- How has co-design practice adapted and changed in response to COVID-19?
- What specific practices, resources, and tools support equitable engagement of impacted communities in co-design?
This project is a collaboration between multiple university-based health design labs, including: Emily Carr University, OCAD University, University of Alberta, Sheffield Hallam University, and University of Washington.
Engagement & Knowledge Sharing Approach
This project uses a realist synthesis approach to give us an understanding of what works, in different contexts, for different people. A variety of activities have been used to gather and share knowledge throughout this project, including:
- Workshops and interviews with co-design practitioners
- Co-Design Beyond Pandemics webinar series focused on key topics: 1) Assembling in Co-design, 2) Creativity and Making, 3) Transparency, 4) Healthcare Resiliency, 5) Building Digital and Cross Sector Literacy 6) Safety, and 7) Inclusion and Exclusion.
- Winter School to provide coaching to co-design practitioners in the field of health
- Collection and publication of project one-pagers as case studies
- Development of a Community of Practice as a key site for knowledge mobilization
Join the Community of Practice:
Project Collaborators
OCAD University, Health Design Studio – Kate Sellen
University of Alberta, Design x Health Research Innovation Lab – Gillian Harvey
University of Washington – Sarah Walker
Sheffield Hallam University, Lab4Living – Joe Langley
SE Health, SE Research Centre Canada – Paul Holyoke
New Frontiers in Research Fund – Rapid Response, SSHRC
HDL Project Team:
Nadia Beyzaei
Caylee Raber
Lariena Kumar
Shraddha Kumbhar
Feb 2022 – Feb 2024