July 2, 2012

Stereo 3D Weekly News Roundup :: June 29 2012

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International Events and Announcements

The 3D journey: Inventing a real-life holodeck :: Humans Invent 

Optical Imaging and Display Systems Group at Sharp Labs Europe is interviewed in this article , and explains how modern 3D technology will be implemented across multi-platforms, and not just within the entertainment/theatrical sphere. “The ultimate 3D display is a holographic display. Many people don’t realise but there is one thing missing from today’s stereoscopic 3D displays. Despite the depth that they show, the objects always appear in focus, in a holographic display even the correct focus of the light is recreated to form a perfect replica of the real world. However, this is not without the addition of significant technical complexity.”

<iframe src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/44261419?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0″ width=”400″ height=”300″ frameborder=”0″ webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

The 3D journey: Inventing a real-life holodeck from Humans Invent on Vimeo.


3DeeCntral is looking for indie and pro-labelled stereo 3D short form content :: 3DeeCentral 

OPPORTUNITY: Online Stereo content delivery website 3DeeCentral (run by Spatial View) connects your mobile devices, internet enabled tvs and computer to a huge range of 3D content. Their headquarters are in Toronto, Canada with offices in US and Belgium. Contact 3DeeCentral if you are interested in getting your next Stereo project some airtime.


The growth of S3D: Legend 3D scopes opportunities in China :: Variety

This article has an interesting statistic that the China and broader Asia market offers major 3D opportunities. With Vancouver’s great economic and cultural connections to Asia, this could prove a great way for British Columbians to grow their business opportunities.


LG’s newest 3D smartphone launches in India – when will we see it here? :: 432 Digital Inc

“Asia and Europe continue to forge ahead with new 3D devices as the US continues to lags behind.”


Content Delivery


DirecTV reduces its 24 hour 3D channel to part time programming :: Fierce Cable

“…the top satellite-TV provider has struggled to acquire enough 3D content needed to program a dedicated 3D channel.”


3net – The 24/7 3D Network From Sony, Discovery And IMAX – Announces World Premiere Of Iconic Music Series “FROM THE BASEMENT,” Sunday, July 15 (9PM ET/PT) :: marketwatch

Meanwhile, 3net Stereo 3D content producers/network only continues to explode in growth. If you enjoyed U2 3D, you will enjoy this new season featuring performances by Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Shins, Foster the People, Feist and more, all filmed this season in stereo 3D.


Hitchcock classics Dial M for Murder (3D) and Strangers on a Train come to Blu-ray October 9th :: Engadget

Dial M for Murder is not only a fantastic Hitchcock classic, it also was originally shot in Stereo 3D. Now it is finally going to be released in the way it was intended to be screened, and with a new 4K scan from print and restoration.



Hardware News


Toshiba turns tables on 3D for 2012 TVs :: PCWorld

Toshiba releases information on its newest line of 3DTVs: a wide range of small to large screens, Full HD 1080p display, 100Hz. The premium model (VL900A) has passive play featuring Dual Play, and the lower priced TL900A model utilizes active shutter. These 3DTVs will b e available starting July through August, with new BluRay players available from May and October.


OGEAR Launches 3D Complete+ Consumer Device for Real-Time User-Defined 3D Effects Control on 3DTVs :: 3DRoundabout

All programs, DVDs, BluRays, home videos, and even photos can be transformed into S3D with the IOGEAR technology. The consumer is given full control of how much 2D to 3D effect they wish to view.

“People who have a 3D TV set use it, like it, and want more content for it,” said John Barrett, Director, Consumer Analytics, Parks Associates in his report entitled “3D TVs: Adoption, Use, and Purchase Intentions” (May 2012). “3D TV is of course a classic chicken-and-egg scenario. The limited amount of 3D content undermines the value of the technology, which dampens adoption, which removes the incentive for more content. 3D TV usage will correlate with the amount of content available.”


X-Ray Associates of NM launches 3-D mammogram technology :: New Mexico Weekly

Researchers have found ways for Stereo 3D to save lives. “Unlike a conventional 2D mammography, which takes a static image of the top and side of the breast, a 3D mammography takes 15 low-dose pictures from multiple angles. Instead of reviewing a flat image, doctors can view the entire breast tissue one millimeter at a time, representatives said.

“This 3D tomosynthesis technology is truly a giant step forward for mammography in its role in finding early, more curable breast cancer.”


Nintendo 3DS XL Auto-stereoscopic device launches Aug 19 for $199.99USD :: DVICE

The new 4.18 inches device has an auto-stereoscopic display (glasses free display) and will be one of the best & inexpensive toys on the market.