October 26, 2012
S3D Centre to join panel at High Frame Rate 3D Cinema Workshop
Written by Denise Quesnel
The S3D Centre team members Alan Goldman and Denise Quesnel will be joining HFR experts Christie Digital Systems, York University, Screen Industries Research and Training Centre – SIRT, Real-D, and more on the 3D Film and Innovation Consortium (3D FLIC) hosted “High Frame Rate 3D Cinema Workshop” October 30th, 2012. (EDIT: Re-Sceduled to November 20th due to technical issues).
The S3D Centre will be speaking on the topic Planning, Pre-production, Production: What do I need to consider in a HFR 3SD/2D project? with SIRT’s John Helliker, and Rob Burton of Arc Animation. The afternoon will consist of HFR 3D and 2D demonstrations on a HFR enabled Christie Digital Cinema Projector. We will be showing some of our HFR material from the “Soul Mates 3D” production at this time.
The S3D Centre was in Toronto last year for the Toronto International Stereo 3D Conference. You can read a report on the event here.
For complete information, please vist the Eventbrite page.